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Traveling with a Baby

Get free tips and checklists on how to best travel with your infant.

Traveling with a Toddler

Get the free guide on what to pack for your short-attention span toddler.

Traveling with a Preschooler

Get a free expert preparation and planning advice to avoid fights.

Feeling a little bit concerned about some upcoming baby travel, toddler travel or preschooler travel? Feeling like most of your baby travel planning is falling on your shoulders? You’re not alone.

Most families thinking about upcoming baby travel, toddler travel or preschooler travel feel like,

  • They don’t know everything that they should be concerned about
  • They don’t have one place to go to find these questions
  • They are losing time as they look for these questions to ask
  • Not knowing these baby travel questions and answers could
    • Put their child in pain or danger
    • Make them embarrassed in front of others
    • Make they more prone to fight with their spouse

All of these feelings can lead to moderate or extreme travel anxiety. This is precisely why we created Baby Travel Tips ™.

All of our families were in the same situation before we learned or developed our expert tips for baby travel, toddler travel or preschooler travel.

For example, before our first child was born I personally flew over 200,000 miles in a year with 180,000 of those miles being domestic travel alone. As a result, I felt there was no travel situation I couldn’t handle as I knew all of the places to go to in order to get the best flights, cars, rooms, rates and service.

HOWEVER, after my very first baby travel experience, I quickly realized this previous travel experience gave my family some life saving advantages in many ways, but there was also a completely new style and level of experience which was needed to survive all of my future baby travel adventures. Unfortunately, I and many other families had to learn these lessons and these tips the hard way… through years of baby travel, toddler travel and preschooler travel research, trial and error.

That’s why this consolidated set of hard to find travel insight was created in Baby Travel Tips. It not only focuses on key things like safety and comfort, but also on things such as “meltdown avoidance” and “spousal argument avoidance” which can’t be found on any other baby travel sites.

We and other parents who contributed to these insights have created these insider tips after 1) traveling all over the world, 2) researching the best parent and baby travel blogs and 3) talking with a number of experienced doctors and employees from airlines, rental car agencies and hotels who had seen virtually every family travel trick and tragedy in the book.

So let us get you started with free pre-baby-travel and packing checklist. We’re even throwing in one of our Especially For Men sections called “Honey Where’s the Breast Milk” to point out one of the mistakes commonly made by families traveling in planes who are not thinking about little things like changes in cabin pressure. Just above and we’ll help you get prepared and reduce some of your baby travel, toddler travel or preschooler travel stress right away.


Lead Author – Baby Travel Tips

This book is a life saver. Particularly the checklists! This is a must have if you ever plan to travel with kids.

Jenna, Seattle, WA

Very Comprehensive! Been traveling for over 10 years with my 4 children. This could have saved me so many issues over the last decade. Thanks!

Lauri, Menlo Park, CA

Because of your awesome tips, my family and I are looking forward to our next trip!

Dominica, Long Valley, NJ

Thanks for making a book that actually helped make our family trip a success! We just flew internationally and could not have survived without the ‘Packing and Luggage Tips’ as well as the information about flying with young kids.”

Mark, Oswego, IL

This book is a life saver. Particularly the checklists! This is a must have if you ever plan to travel with kids.

Jenna, Seattle, WA

Any one of these tips is golden and you have hundreds. The little tips and tidbits of information you include for first-time travelers are priceless.

Stephanie, Kansas City, MO